A New Website Section Upcoming?

I'm considering adding a new section to my website, which actually has been just this blog for sometime now. It has just been a blog for so long, since I think just the blog is kind of insufficient. I have been experimenting with several content management systems for what must be several months now. Considering my interest is in video games, I think what I'll do is add a games site that's to my taste. I still honestly haven't found a CMS that'll work towards my needs, so I believe I'll very likely be hacking what's already available to suit my needs. I suppose you can expect it to come up by June this year. (I'm working on another unrelated project, so I'm being a little more liberal with my estimation. Chances are a skeleton will be up before the end of this month, but I don't think it'll come close to my actual idea until June 2008 or later.)