Talking about Direction

Reading this post and the question posed by Chewxy was rather intriguing to me then, and still intriguing to me now. A few months ago, I posed my friends this simple yet profound question - where do you see all of us 5 years from now and 10 years from now. When I was 15, I joined and qualified for the finals of a national youth programming competition, the DGX DCC 2001. It's no longer being held now, sadly. I obviously didn't win, but it was somewhat interesting what most people who were 1 year or 2 years older than us had for ideas to submit for their finals. I'd argue what I submitted was particularly childish now and probably the most incomplete, but I think it's more than likely all of us thought similarly.

Now, six years later, I'm doing actuarial science - something I didn't even remotely know about then. I'm still no closer to completing Sword Fantasy than I was five years ago. I'm not using anything I learned in school in daily classes besides my mathematics and even whatever use of that is reduced to what I would consider a negligible amount.

My programming never really took off until two years ago. In the span of two years, I've learned more than six programming and scripting languages (C, C++, Java, R, MATLAB and Lua - I don't consider Warcraft 3's JASS to count, neither do I count PHP or C#), gotten familiar with all 3 major operating systems (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux), finished more games than I have in the two years before that, and made a Warcraft 3 custom map (which I chose not to release because of a similar item already out). And I'm not in any computer programming class, software engineering class. The one class I did attend was for fun and for a free high distinction - as well as reassurance that I would probably be bored if I tried to go the programming way for a degree.

My brain is still trying to recover from the two years of stagnation at HELP. I have still been unable to access it completely - I'm hoping the course will get harder and switch my brain back on. My memorization functions are still greatly limited (as evidenced by my poor performance in Corporate Finance). I certainly hope that it will recover by next year. It feels funny knowing that you are capable of more, but your brain refuses to go that extra mile.