Simply Tired

Actually, simply put, I'm just simply tired. If I weren't, you would be seeing me partaking in some crazy effort to join NaNiWriMo or something like that and blog more often by simply putting more and more words into my crazy stories. That wouldn't make sense. I'm still fatigued and exhausted that I'm playing Magic in a really strange and sloppy way nowadays. But that's probably because I haven't been playing for so long that I've become really rusty. I think I'm just losing it since I'm exhausted and tired, but do not fear, I will eventually recover and blog again. I'll probably get right back and relax for a while. It's strange to say I'm tired since I'm now on holiday, but I suppose it's what you get for going at it for too many days in a row! I seem to be taking seldom updated to a new level.

In the meantime, just enjoy laughing at the ads. They can be hilarious at times. And please do click once in a while.