More New Stuff from Apple

Now, yesterday, or strictly speaking, today, Apple unveiled dual-core G5 powered PowerMacs, and high definition screen PowerBooks. They also unveiled Aperture, which was supposed to help pro photographers, which I obviously am not. Therefore, I'm writing off Aperture as useless to me - for now. The dual-core powered PowerMacs are cool, especially the "Quad" processing core models. The performance should be phenomenal and I don't see anyone griping except that it might be replaced by x86 dual-cores from Intel at the same time next year. The new HD screen PowerBooks are also cool - since they also dropped the prices on the PowerBooks substantially - all come with SuperDrives now...

I'm disappointed with that there wee 12-inch updates. It's not too much to ask for, in my opinion. A pleasant upgrade would have been 512MB on the logic board instead of the current 256MB+256MB setup. A SuperDrive upgrade would have been nice. :D Heck, anything extra, like more DVI adapter stuff standard would've been nice.