Break is over, and I'm trying my hardest to be ready for the semester finals I always suck at so that I can get into Honours year. As of such, posts will be rare for the next few months. (Or to put it in cfgt's terms, posts will be whenever I want.)
Routine Breaks Blogging
I've gotten into a daily routine again (which comes with writer's block). Somehow, I've never worked blogging into this routine. I expect to go on hiatus for a week or two (until holidays come).
Onwards and Upwards
Two assignments down, five more to go! Oh yeah, and all hail Lelouch!
Lack of Productivity Strikes Back!
I've been idling around a lot, not gaming, not doing work, and rethinking life (maybe).
Running on Lack of Sleep
I've had 16 hours of sleep in the past three days. 'Nuff said.