What is Love?

I've always asked this question. What is love? What the heck is it? How do you get such a feeling? Such an emotion? I know I've never felt it before - and it's something I've never understood. I can't write a whole post on it since I don't know anything about it. As for why I've started questioning it - let's just say I've been reading too much manga and watching too much anime.

Anyone with a clue that could enlighten me?

WordPress 2.5

I've upgraded my blog to WordPress 2.5. Please inform me if there's anything that's broken by commenting somewhere.

Notice to Vacate!

It looks like I was careless last year by not asking for a new contract. I just got a notice to vacate by 28th May. Can't say I'm happy since now I have to deal with the stress of finding a new place, but can't say I'm sad either - I guess part of me wanted to get out of here anyway. :P