I had to retry logging into to a forum 4 times before I got the right combination of username and password. I guess it's a sign that I have too many aliases. :(
Malaysian Elections 2008
Yes, I care about the Malaysian elections. I'm a little shocked at the results, but overall, I think it's a huge improvement towards a more democratically balanced Malaysia. Can't say I'm happy, can't say I'm disappointed either. But one word to describe what I think: COOL.
Arrived in Melbourne
I'm now in Melbourne, although it looks like I won't be sleeping for a while. Heh.
Last Night in Malaysia
Less than 24 hours to my flight. Time for 10 months of shitty food. Dang.
Apollo Justice Completed!
I've finally completed Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney. While yet again, the game reminds us of the nagging problem with the game - that for some odd reason, you have to prove someone else did it, instead of just creating reasonable doubt - even poking in the eye with it by telling us blatantly that we can't acquit our client using the same circumstantial evidence the prosecution is using. It's still a great game and the story is still entertaining as ever.