Mid Hiatus Post about 1st Sem Hiatus

As you can tell, I did not post anything for the past 2 weeks, and will probably not post anything substantial for the next 4 weeks. I will be posting, but probably it'll be very spotty again. Man, my blog sucks. :P I've actually written quite a number of drafts that I haven't gotten around to finishing. Unlike most people, nothing of particular interest has happened to me in the past few months.

I expect to review SPM for Wii soon, so stay tuned! :D

First Semester Exam Timetables are Out!

Yay! My first semester's finals timetables are out. It's pretty cool - I have one paper per week. A whole week to study for each paper. I'm in heaven. :D OK, being in heaven is pushing it. I just think it's a rather ideal timetable. Plenty of time to prepare, plenty of time to play and relax too. If you aren't waiting to drag your butt back home or something, the time table is excellent.

I'm currently working on rewriting the prologue for the story. I think it ended up a bit messy and stupid, since I sort of dumped all the supposed tension by saying that there was tension. I think that completely broke the entire prologue's feel, so I'll be rewriting it. I believe the next post of it will be in PDF format, since I think dumping the entire rewritten prologue just like that into the blog is suicidal. :P

Update: u238's blog and drinkingcocoa's blog links have been removed. u238 is in the process of revamping his blog and possibly even moving it, while drinkingcocoa, well, he just ain't updating anymore.

Problems Maintaining Attention and Focus

I seem to have quite a problem maintaining focus on anything. The problem seems to be getting worse lately, and I think I realised why I started talking to myself at some point. Talking to myself helps me maintain focus. I know it's not a matter of interest. I find the same thing happening while I'm gaming. I can drift away halfway while playing a game of DotA, Gears of War, and so on. Needless to say, I won't be getting very far in terms of skill level.

It's also one of the causes of me posting not very regularly on the blog. I'll write properly for about 15 minutes, and then buzz off to somewhere else.

(It took me 2 hours to finish writing this, I wrote, stopped halfway for an good 1.5 hours, and continued again.)

As a note: it's always been a problem, it's just becoming one hell of a noticeable lately. And it's getting worse. :D

Gaming and Rewriting the Story

I have actually been pretty occupied in real life. I've been gaming a lot lately. My friends have been introducing me to the wealth of Warcraft III custom maps. I've not been playing DotA much, and I still suck at it. :P Among the few maps I've been playing include Pimp Defense, Gem TD, Massacre TD Solo, 7 Hero Siege and I myself have been trying hard to learn mazing techiques using a flash game called Desktop TD. I can assure you though that I haven't gone back and rewritten the story yet. I have been heavily rethinking the story and continuously revising it. While I can already rewrite the first two chapters as I intended and repairing certain foreshadowing facts which went wrong already. Imagine, only two chapters and already an error. I'm holding off in the meantime and planning it a little bit more carefully. :D