A Look into cfgt's Cupboard of Tricks

networkingandserver.jpg I know you can see the mess of cables there. I'm not a very neat person to begin with when it comes to cables. I fully intended to use a shorter cable instead of the blue one, but that got lent out a few days ago. :P

Among the cables are: 2 CAT5e cables with RJ45 heads, 2 power adapters, 1 plug converter, 1 XBox controller and 1 XBox AV cable (needed for it to boot without FRAGging (flashing red and green)).

The XBox is a fully working LAMP and SAMBA server, running Torrentflux so that I can move my laptop around (and out of) the house without fear of having missed so many hours of torrenting. :D It still does work as an ordinary XBox, and yes it still plays games. :D

Another thing in the picture is a NETGEAR WGR614 wireless router. While it is a router, I am currently just using it as a wireless switch because my Netcomm NB5 modem comes with a router feature. (I believe in separation of power, or what most people might call spreading the load - whatever.)

And that's only one shelf in the cupboard. Anyone want to venture a guess into what else is in it?

Settling Down in a New Place

Honestly speaking, it's taking pretty long to get comfortable in my new place. I've set up my torrentflux xbox, my modem, wireless router and my speakers and printers up. However, I still lack a damn fridge. :( I still don't really have much to say. I intended to take plenty of photos of the place, but at the end of it I haven't taken any photos and don't really care. At some point, u238 will do it, so I don't think I should do it redundantly with my much weaker camera.

On another note, I've acquired a Wii Remote... to use as a remote. :D

(I'll try to make one post per week, if possible. For now, I'm trying to find a job. If you happen to know of one suitable for me in Melbourne, please do tell. :P)

Beware - I Live

Muahaahaha - I'm baaaack. :D My internet is finally online - and I'm finally going to begin leeching off the internet again. Expect no posts until I actually get my table. :(

No Internet, No Updates!

I'm leaving for Australia today. Needless to say, I don't think I'll be updating for quite a while until I get my Internet up there. Yes, I am moving to a new place. You'll get plenty of photos when the time comes. :D (Oh wow, short post.)

What Happened to the Randomness of Random Ideas?

If you remember the days of the old Random Ideas, it used to be really random. One day I'd talk about getting a new mousepad, the next day I might talk about Magic, one day it might be weird philosophy, another day it'd be an imaginary prophecy about the world ending. It was pretty random then. Now, it's probably hell of an easy thing to predict what I'm going to post. One day, it'd be about Magic, another day it be about a game, and near my exams or holidays - you'd see a hiatus announcement (which is usually followed by a real hiatus, or some more posts, actually). The length between posts then was most definitely random. Occasionally it'd be once a month, some months actually lack posts altogether (although that was really rare), there'd be periods where the post was 1 - 3 lines long for the whole month.

So what has happened since then? I've changed a lot since then. I now update more regularly (compared to then) - but I actually become more random with how long the posts actually are! With that being said, I beginning to now consider the name for the blog for replacement. Hopefully, what will follow after that will be a theme change of some kind to celebrate the new name!

u238 has posted photos of a messy desk! Click here. My post on 'cleanliness' is here.