Paradox Junk Banner

I'm writing a script entitled Paradox, and it's going into an anthology of movies that you can check out here. I have a makeshift banner which I have call the junk banner. This doesn't mean it's junk, since the banner actually indicates what nature the script is about, but it means that it should be huddled together with all the other banners with I don't care about. (like the translator row of flags at the bottom of my page, but we'll talk about another time)

For now, this banner will have to do. :D I'll work on a better banner once we've gotten more footage off the ground. :D


It's always important to patch security holes in your software. I've just upgraded the blog software. Again. Fortunately, all is well, and nothing seems to be going wrong. At least not yet. Expect more posts once my Law assignment is out of the way. ><

Nothing New, Just an Update

I know I haven't been posting much. It hasn't been because I have had nothing to write about - I have tons. I just don't have time to do any of it. I'm supposed to be writing a script right now, and I haven't gotten down to doing it yet. Some scriptwriter I am. I just reallly have had little time - I have been thinking heavily on my assignments as well as a new field that has distracted me: competitive Magic. Am I going to write more about competitive Magic now? I probably would. Another fun infinite combo has shown up, and I've gotten all the pieces. Is this combo competitive? No - not with Cranial Extraction around. Then, what am I planning? Absolute madness. So mad, I wouldn't enter it in any tournament. So unplayable, that no one could every conceive themselves playing in tournaments with such a deck. Why? I don't care. I want to play decks that I find fun to play. There's nothing like fooling around my Affinity that actually does run massively off the Affinity mechanic, unlike most "Affinity" decks and pulling off a Crush of Wurms and repeating that the following turn. What is my new plan for a crazy deck? Something like my Affinity deck, of course. There's nothing quite like going off with your crazy infinite mana and doing what I did in my Affinity deck - playing enormous amounts of creatures - including some Myojin with counters. Am I going to be telling you how to play this kind of junk? Probably. Do I have other junk to show you? Yes - most definitely.

However, I've been filling my time with GTA: San Andreas, which is so full of missions - and I intend to finish them. I'm so lacking in time now that I'm messing around with my sleep patterns to accelerate my brain and switch it back on - which it did today. Hence, I'm delaying my PSP review again. So what's new? A strange article on a Standard infinite mana combo deck - that doesn't need the combo to win.

There's now a new category - it's called reviews. I've decided to start this category in light of my plan to put more reviews on my blog. This is in line with the last time, when I introduced the Magic category. Expect more categories as the blog grows are matures!