International Garden Hotel - Narita

Want a review of this hotel? Let's put it this way: it has a very regular shuttle bus service into the Narita downtown area. It has a Panasonic viera TV in the room - but it has a normal toilet. (it's in the outskirts though, so that's OK - I should be happy they don't force me to use a Japanese style toilet.) :D

I think this picture when the wind was blowing, rain was drizzling down, temperature was well below what I should be standing outside in no more than a windbreaker - but I was actually outside earlier in only my normal shirt and long pants which I wear in the tropics - but my hands were trembling, so I needed something to protect them while I ran to take this photo. :D

Tokyo Metro Station - Ginza

This was, of course, taken at one of the Tokyo Metro stations. ;) A scene from the Tokyo Metro station

This side of the station allows entry into the Ginza and Hibiya line of the Tokyo Metro subways - none of which I took. *grins evilly* I only went into the station to have a look at what Tokyo subways look like - and obviously, our Malaysian and Singapore underground stations look a lot better than this - although I'd have to say that it's pretty clean! There are I believe 13 different Tokyo Metro lines - so if you don't know their subway lines - don't take them. I myself have much experience with confusing transit rails so 13 Metro lines + another 3 or 4 main JR lines are not quite as intimidating as it might sound.

I think the man was asking for directions, but I was too busy trying to get the people working there in the photo. They wear some pretty formal looking uniforms and are as helpful as they can get. Until the next photo, I bid you farewell!

A Shop at the Truck Stop

A shop at the Yokohama lorry stop What's there? It's not in the photo, but there's a fried food automatic vending machine, several drink machines, and some cigarette machines. What's inside the shop? Obviously soft serve ice cream, some really sweet mochi, a few snacks, chocolates, a small restaurant (you know, those with the food ticket vending machines), honestly speaking, I should just cut to the chase: food and drinks!

I didn't buy anything here - but some people also on the same tour bought some snacks and drinks to take along on our bus trip. Nothing much more to add - this was originally taken about a week ago - towards the end of the trip! :D

Upgrading in Progress - and an Apology

I'm pushing in an upgrade on my Wordpress to 1.5.1 - if you experience any funny occurences on the blog - please put it in the shoutbox - that's bound to work. ;) As for my blogging - I'm recovering from my supremely heavy past semester and erratic sleeping patterns. I'll get back to my review as soon as I'm back to myself entirely. ;) As for now, I'll figuring out how much space I need to put movies on my mobile device. LOL - I so need to go out and get a bigger card. :D I'll blog properly again once my troubles are over - I'll review Empire Earth 2 when I'm free - and I'm happy to say that Empire Earth 2 is not going to see the same rap I gave Empire Earth. :D