I'm a little bored now, and I've been wasting time the entire day. Here's a GIF from the past.
A Difference in the Writing
As you can very well see, I suddenly switched writing styles in the newest few instalments of the story. It's probably an effect of suddenly leaving writer's block. You might also have noticed loads of Magic posts again. I'm rethinking section 6 of chapter 1, so expect to have to wait a while before anything happens. (suddenly hit by writer's block. :( )
Why the Story Feels Funny
If you haven't already noticed, there is a bout of discontinuity between 'page 1' and 'page 2' of chapter 1. This is due to the fact that they were written and published separately. If I ever join them up into one post, I will add stuff between page 1 and page 2 to complete the section. As of such, chapters will appear shorter than they should, and expect me to compile everything into a PDF in the future when I have completed publishing the entire chapter on my blog. :D As for Kanya's past, expect to not learn substantial amounts until much further. More about Erse is probably more likely in the short run.
I'm sure some people might be hungry for more episodes of the Stapler saga. I will get back down to that as soon as I feel like it. Expect me to do stupid things in my quest to make fun of staplers and staples.
The Story's Back Story
As you should've figured out by now, the story has a relatively simple back story. While it might've been better to fit in this back story in a later part of the story, I thought it would be better for you to know of the central 7 of the Arltian Alliance, the 29 Gifted of the Terrans, the two major corporations and the central Terran system known of the Terran Meganet. I think this will allow me to immediately push into the main storyline without much ado. You can also expect numerous references to the 29th Gifted, since this person is the last, youngest, and also currently the most powerful. Do note that I have not named any of the central 7 colonies, meaning that they will play important roles along the lines of the story later on.
Of course, you can expect elaboration of the back story as we go. I have yet to generate the main character, and I'm not entirely sure how I will go about it. I have decided that the main character would have to be a mercenary to tell my story in its entirety, but I'm not entirely sure where the story should start.
About Fantasy of War: Storm Arc
Want to know more about the new arc in the storyline? I'm not telling anything, to be truthful. ;)
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